Consulting Services
Natal Chart Analysis/Life Reading
This is a starting point for new clients, and consists of a comprehensive interpretation of your natal birth chart. It covers key areas of life such as finance, career, relationships, health, family, spirituality, education, relocation, direction, and overall purpose in life.
It is based on the accuracy of the birth details you provide when booking an appointment, which must include an exact time, date and place of birth.
Relationship Compatibility
This is a consultation in which two astrological charts are constructively compared and contrasted in order to assess their strengths, weaknesses, and potential for growth and expansion. This study is offered so you can gain a better understanding and insight into the dynamics of the relationship being discussed.
Familial relationships, business partnerships, romantic relationships and any kind of relationship involving two people.
Birth Time Rectification
$75 - $225
Rates vary depending on the time spent in the calculation and the time range given.
If you do not have a reliable time of birth, or it is simply unknown, a study can be made using significant life events to determine the correct time of birth.
I also include a slight rectification at no charge if the birth time given is believed to be close to correct (within a range of ten minutes or less).
Detailed One-Year Trend Analysis
This consultation focuses on a 12-month period and includes predictions and a detailed discussion of trends for the year.
Muhurta (Auspicious Timing)
Muhurta is the aspect of Vedic astrology in which an auspicious date and time is chosen for major life events, such as marriage, purchase of a home, signing an important contract, surgery, and any other event where it is important to have "the stars aligned in our favor."
Client Mini-Session
Mini Session for regular clients.