Mindfulness-based spiritual consulting services and classes

Helping you access your inner wisdom to achieve the balanced life you want

Greetings and a warm welcome!


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I am passionate about learning and teaching and it is with great enthusiasm that I share what I love doing the most, which is to help people see their inner light and full potential.

I was born and raised in São Paulo, Brazil and became interested in the spiritual tradition of India at a young age. For the past 30 years I have been immersed in the study of the Yoga, Ayurveda and Jyotish with the intention of serving others with this knowledge.

For the past 10 years my intense focus has been on Jyotish, the astrological science of ancient India, that reveals a person's karma, the fruits of their past actions, and is therefore a very powerful tool for providing guidance and counseling to others. I have been blessed to study with some of the best teachers of this divine science including Penny Farrow, Dr K.S Charak, Vinay Aditya, Gayatri Devi Raman, James Kelleher, Stephen Highburger, and Marc Boney.

Meditation and Yoga have been part of my spiritual practice for three decades. I started practicing Transcendental Meditation in 1990 and I got initiated into Kriya Yoga through Paramahansa Yogananda's Self-Realization Fellowship in 2002.

For period of three years I studied the healing science of Ayurveda with world renowned teachers, Dr. David Frawley and Dr. Vasant Lad, and qualified as a Ayurvedic Life-Style Counselor.

I have a Bachelor’s degree in Social Communication and am fluent in Portuguese, English and Spanish.

It would be my pleasure to work with you!

Awareness is like the sun. When it shines on things, they are transformed.
— Thich Nhat Hanh

What is Vedic Astrology?


Vedic astrology is the ancient art and science of divination rooted in a profound understanding of the cosmos. It is said to have been cognized by enlightened sages in India more than five thousand years ago...

Its proper name in Sanskrit is Jyotish, which means "Science of Light."  It is a part of the Vedic tradition of knowledge, the oldest in world, and represents its "eyes" through which the past, the present and the future can be seen. It is a sacred oral tradition of knowledge that has been  transmitted through lineages of teachers directly to students through the ages to maintain its purity and integrity.

The astrological birth chart of an individual is a snap shot of the celestial patterns at the exact time and place of their birth and reflects the soul's karma, the fruits of their past actions that will manifest in this life time. Properly understood, it can provide deep insights into your innate tendencies and life purpose. It is a map of your destiny that reveals what lies ahead so that you can take full advantage of upcoming opportunities, as well as navigate through challenges and obstacles.

Within you is the light of a thousand suns.
— Robert Adams

How it Works



After you have provide me with the exact time, date and place of birth when you book an appointment, I make an extensive study of your chart prior to the consultation. The precision of the birth time is extremely important for an accurate reading. It is helpful also if I receive a simple photo.

I will also ask you to give input about any areas of your life you would like me to focus on in particular.

The Consultation - What To Expect

During your appointment I interpret your birth chart and share insights gained during my preparation. The session is interactive and you are welcomed and encouraged to ask questions.

Your Vedic birth chart is a powerful tool for gaining greater self-knowledge and awareness, and becoming aware of future trends. Communicating this is my primary purpose in a consultation. The chart reveals how you are wired and how you are perceived. It helps identify patterns that may be holding you back and opportunities you may be missing out on. It is a way of tapping into what is, what can be changed and what is yet to come in a way that is helpful and constructive. The trend analysis empowers you to better plan and prepare for the future.

How is Vedic Different From Western Astrology?


Vedic Astrology uses the Sidereal Zodiac while Western Astrology uses the Tropical Zodiac. The difference between the two has to do with the starting point from which each of the two zodiacs is derived.  The Tropical uses the vernal equinox and the Sidereal uses an actual groups of stars, or “constellations” that are “fixed.”

In 285 AD these two zodiacs overlapped. But due to the precession of the equinox, there is now an approximately 24° difference between the two and this difference is referred to in Vedic Astrology  as the “ayanamsha,” and is considered a very critical calculation.


Unlike the Western System, the Vedic does not use the outer planets but makes extensive use of  Rahu and Ketu, the North and South nodes of the Moon.

Unique to the Vedic System

  • Lunar Constellations  - embedded in a rich mythology, the nakshatras are extremely insightful and adaptable to this day and age and can be used for psychological profiling and predictions.
  • Planetary Periods or Daśās - a powerful predictive tool for interpreting and timing important life events.
  • Yogas or planetary combinations - a predictive tool used along with the planetary periods for interpretation - it shows what gets activated in a chart.
  • Vargas or “sub-charts” for specific areas of life such as relationship and career.
  • Upayes or "remedial measures" - used to modify and change difficult life patterns. It  is the prescriptive side of Vedic Astrology and is as important as the predictive side

In general Vedic Astrology has a much more powerful predictive side than the Western system which has focused more on psychological profiling.

Awareness is the greatest agent for change.
— Eckhart Tolle

Consulting Services


Natal Chart Analysis/One year Analysis
$200 USD

This is a comprehensive interpretation of your natal birth chart and includes a detailed analysis of the upcoming year. It covers key areas of life such as finance, career, relationships, health, family, spirituality, education, relocation, direction, and overall purpose in life.

It is based on the accuracy of the birth details you provide when booking an appointment, which must include an exact time, date and place of birth.

Relationship Compatibility

$235 USD

This is a consultation in which two astrological charts are constructively compared and contrasted in order to assess their strengths, weaknesses, and potential for growth and expansion. This study is offered so you can gain a better understanding and insight into the dynamics of the relationship being discussed. Familial relationships, business partnerships, romantic relationships and any kind of relationship involving two people.

Tutoring Session
$75 USD

Jyotish is a vast subject and students often find themselves overwhelmed with a lot of questions. Tutoring sessions are a great way to get clarity by discussing topics with an experienced teacher. These virtual sessions can be recorded for later reference and topics/questions can be shared in advance.


Birth Time Rectification

Rates vary depending on the time spent in the calculation and the time range given. If you do not have a reliable time of birth, or it is simply unknown, a study can be made using significant life events to determine the correct time of birth. I also include a slight rectification at no charge if the birth time given is believed to be close to correct (within a range of ten minutes or less).

Muhurta (Auspicious Timing)

Muhurta is the aspect of Vedic astrology in which an auspicious date and time are chosen for major life events, such as marriage, purchase of a home, signing an important contract, surgery, and any other event where it is important to have "the stars aligned in our favor."

Follow Up Mini Sessions

$108 USD

These mini sessions are only for existing clients who have already had the Natal Chart / One Year Analysis consultation and would like to ask follow up questions.

New Course in Portuguese


É com imenso prazer que proponho ensinar na prática o que venho há mais de 10 anos aprimorando junto a grandes e renomados mestres americanos e indianos, de diferentes escolas e tradições.

Há anos me dedico a dar aulas e prestar assessoria especialmente na área de saúde mental, aqui nos EUA, e muito me honra dividir esta experiência e propor a formação, agora para brasileiros! Assim segue uma pequena prévia da composição destas aulas, que dividi em módulos e proponho muito dinamismo na execução e compreensão dos mesmos! Cursos com aplicações práticas dividido em vários módulos sequenciais


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